All about engine.when if I did remember then come a name as (Nicolas Josef) they made an vehicle by engine  in the year (1770)and  they engine does work by steam  and the vehicle was automatic roning vehicle. And then come automatic 3 wheeler vehicle and this vehicle brought into road in the (1789)
And first 4wheeler are made by (evhan ) the vehicle was automatic 4wheeler in the (1805)
But this engine was also work by steam
And then did generate air and gass mixture  fire 4strock sycle engine 4wheeler and this vehicle made my jurman enginiare (dr na auto ) the year was as (1876)
And then did search two strock cycle ening the heat man was ( dugald clarck ) in the (1880)
And (benz )they did use benzaine steam for engine fuel.
In the (1885)  and then made diesel compression ignition engine made by (dr rudalf disel) in the (1892)
And (branze)the did set 40km mayelage big petrol engine there in steam engine in the (1909)
And made an p searese engine by doing use  disel as fuel. In the (1930) 

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