All about engine; This type of gearbox used to be Used in earlier time.But this type of gearbox is useD for halli fust and reverse gear but in some vehicals. And in this type of gearbox, The spur gear remains On the lay shaft and on the main shaft.And the main shaft gear can slide move forward and behind.For gear slipping on the main shaft.There are stay attached a ring on the gears.And being ring on the gears, there selector fork stay connect with gears ring.Being permanently attaching between clutch shaft and countershaft gears, By the clutch plate clutch shaft and by the clutch shaft gear. the lay shaft and the lay shaft gears All of this keeps wandering together forever. As many gear. in the reverse gear gear box, the same as gear stays on the main shaft. Stays rear gear. on reverse Adler Gear shaft.In the lay shaft cornar . And the shaft stay fitted in the casing by the help of bearings.And stay gears mechaniSm In the gear box top covers.

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