All about engine, the important thing is The composition of the mechanically operated gearbox stays generally same, Stays Something changed In the mechanically operated gear system as like, The method of changing gear and the composition of the gear wheel.In this method of gearbox stayS three forward speed or four forward otherwise five forward speed Gears and stay one reverse speed gears.And Remains given one gear shifting lever on the flowar board or on the steering clamp.and the important thing is.Even if the composition of the gear box is different or the method of selection is different, then also The work method of everyone stays the same.Anyway, there are some major parts inside the general gear box, As like gear box body- Clutch shaft or input shaft or Primary shaft - main shaft or output shaft- Main shaft gear- Angjing dag - Counter shaft or lay shaft- Lay shaft gear - reverse idler gearshaft- Reverse idler gear- anti friction bearing- shifting mechanism