All about engine; is called  firing stroke or working stroke or exposing stroke  its all are same it least this name of power stroke. And the power stroke will be generated after the compression stroke as. And the power stroke would be generated when the spark plug give spark unto the pressured air and fuel mixtures. On ( t.d.c. ) as on top date senter.  And when this happens, there are explosion inside of cylinder. And the piston moves to the( b.d.c) and it happens to be transformed in the rotary motion connectivity road and with the crankshaft. And the pressure of burnt gas inside of cylinder is (600)pound flat inch. and the air and fuel mixtures explosion occur completed in the 3/1000secound.  And at the same time the hits will generated on the head as like 4000 f. But this tampreture lasts for some time. And the water steam generates carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide gas inside the cylinder. And the piston moves from (t.d.c)to(b.d.c) and in this process the crankshaft does complete 1/2 round as (540) and booth valve remains closed when could not the power stroke. 
See you in next time 

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