All about engine/ Being some reason the driver do reduce the vehicle speed by applied the clutch, And as the vehicle speed are less. The driver does it change the gear.And during this, the driver will have to keep attention on the vehicle speed.The gear would be change from high to low.for reduce the vehicle speed. And during in this method the comes sound from gearbox.And the sound comes because Of the speed of both gear is not same, as like, the counter shaft and the main shaft gear speed are not equal, The gear will engage easily And the sound even not come When the gear speed of the counter shaft and main shaft will be same, For that the (d) Clutching are very Necessary. take the vehicle in the neutral position during the d clutching. And nex leave the clutch prdal, And do race as much as the vehicle speed and engine ratio. After that can gear applied by putting the clutch,The neutral position are very necessary for engaging from high gear to low gear,