All about engine: the lay shaft and main shaft gears stays permanent attaced in this type of gearbox For-that his called constant mesh gearbox. The some instrument stay fitted inside of casing by the help of bearing, the instrument is clutch shaft and layshaft and the reverse idler gear shaft and main Shaft . The main shaft Are put in the Clutch Shaft second end top, by the inside of shifting bearing The clutch shaft gear stays permanently attached with countershaft gears.And Stays how much forward gear in the gearbox, at the same gear stay fitted by the help of Brass or gunmetal bosch, in the main shaft. That's why the gear can roam easily. In the main shaft. But Leaving the first gear of the main shaft, all the gears are stays constant mesh with the layshaft. And they're all gear Are helical gear. And being. First gear Is spur gear., The gear can slide in the main shaft. To hanging the fork in the gear.stays one Gap On the gear And the shifting fork is sits in this gap on the gear., This gear can work as like first Or low gear and revers gear, And Stays dac clutch unit, in the second gear of The main shaft .and in this adler gears of the clutch shaft. If there is a gear box with five forward gearS then. Stays dac clutch unit In the second and third gears.,and Stays one dag clutch unit in the four and top gears