All about engine;In this method, the turbine stay Fitted On the engine crankshaft. His called driven member. Being fit empelar On the front of turbine. The Second name of empelar is pump or driving member. the stator are fitted For change oil diraction between pump and turbine. It is Connected to Free wheeling With a one- Wheel Clutch To allow The stator to moving In one direction. The blades Of turbine And pump were Seated Against Each other In a Particular Angle. The inside of this unit oil is filled In special way As the engine start, The turbine blade The oil rotate In the vane In a particular angle And thrown out. But Moving On the turbine vane And turning It into the vane, The oil coming out Of the pressure In the opposite direction, Does not go into pump vane, And oil first rotate By pressureIn being fit Startore between Turbine and pump,And then the pressure in the pump Vane Comes in pressure, The falling oil on the pump,Comes out of even More pressure Than before THANK YOU

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