All about engine:  Due to the friction Of the clutch plate More than. This is the reason That always have to check Clutch linkage Adjustments. Also, the all linkage Joint Have to do Lubrication. And that is the important to remains free play on the clutch pedal. After the clutch engage. There are Should not pressure On the throw out Bearing. And also there are should not friction on the linkage joint. Therefore should be Free play On the clutch pedal. This free play should be Kept from 3/ 4 To 1" General. And need to check Bell housing And flywheel Aliganment In clutch Servicing. Also it is necessary To check Spring Tension In the pressure plate. If the tension Of the spring Is less, then clutch will be slip. and The clutch plate lining Will be eroded.
If the spring  pressure is low.  in the pressure plate. Then should be change the spring. And  If the pressure plate Has been eaten more. Then the pressure plate should be change. And if the scratch Has come in the pressure plate, then the pressure plate should be changed, And if there is less scratches On the pressure plate. Then It should be Removed From the Embryo paper, 


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