of master cylinder, inside of reservior    From the main port    It happens deposits In piston tube,when  it happens brake pedal operated  At the time pushrod ,from pushrod piston  Are pressed   On piston,of  pushrod  out of side  secondry rubber cap , Have to be seated , They secondary rubber from the cap at the top of  Piston ,the lodger brake oil without leakage does it pressed front side, until Not comes secondary rubber cap till main port , Till then from the main port , regularly  Comes the piston, Piston being pressed in cylinder 

front side of piston, residing     From primary  Rubber cap    of pistin return  spring   in tube in oil it happens  Pressure created  

and this pressure oil from check valve hole ,being out again his pressure is increase , 

in this type pressure oil comes into the  wheel cylinder and brake it happens operatd        

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